How to Add HiHello Contacts to Your Address Book

Setting up HiHello contacts on iOS CardDAV

  1. Open the Settings app
  2. Select "Passwords & Accounts"
  3. Select "Add Account"
  4. Select "Other"
  5. Select "Add CardDAV Account"
  6. Enter the following:


User Name: (email listed in HiHello settings)

Password: (a HiHello app-specific password)

Description: HiHello contacts

  1. Tap "Next".
  2. Wait a few minutes for your HiHello contacts to appear

Automatic installation

You may be asked for permission to open settings and then install the profile.

After confirming installation, you’ll navigate back to the app. It may take a few minutes for your contacts to appear in your address book.

Setting up HiHello contacts on macOS Contacts

  1. Open the Contacts app
  2. Under Contacts, select "Add Account ..."
  3. Select "Other Contacts Account"
  4. Enter the following:

Account Type: Manual

User Name: (email listed in HiHello settings)

Password: (a HiHello app-specific password)

Server Address:

  1. Click "Sign In".
  2. Wait a few minutes for your HiHello contacts to appear

Setting up HiHello contacts on a CardDAV client

  • Server Address:
  • User Name: email listed in HiHello settings
  • Password: a HiHello app-specific password